Wonder Joint
Straight or branch injectable joint using Wonder Fluid, single component insulating gel. Quick to use and can be installed at any temperature
Joint equipped with injection valve; insert the cartridge in the gun, connect the nozzle stably on the valve and inject the gel until completely filled. The valve on the container prevents insulation from leaking out, ensuring perfect cleaning and reliability. Can be installed without any special tools: only requires a regular silicone gun.- Joints insulated with Wonder Fluid, fluid, single-component, gel
- Clean installation, re-enterable and inspectable
- Container provided with no-return valve
- Immediately energizable
- Even suitable for high depths
- Non-toxic, with no expiry date
Electrical performance:
CEI EN 50393 • CEI 20-33
(with testing under water head and water
between the cable cores)
Gel: UL 94-HB
Degree of protection: IP68
Operating temperature: 90°
Installation temperature: -50°C / +60°C