Clik Fire
Straight or branch joint pre-filled with gel, for multi core cables up to 4 cores.
Clik Fire - A2A
Main line branch joint for parallel type public lighting systems
Branch joints from main to main cable, from main to pole rise, from overhead line to pole equipment, from pre-assembled cable to pole equipment, of a type certified by Azienda Elettrica Milanese (A2A, ex AEM). Accessories are complete with mantel-type, pre-insulated Allen screw connectors and, for installations with traps, with the specific protection monitor plate. Joints are non-toxic, with no shelf life and re-enterable.Clik Fire - A2A (Fuse)
Branch joint from main to pole rise, with protection fuse.
Branch joints from main to pole rise complete with disconnectable fuse holder and fuse with signal indicating intervention. Accessories are complete with mantel-type, pre-insulated Allen screw connectors and, for installations with traps, with the specific protection monitor plate. Joints are non-toxic, with no shelf life and re-enterable and flame retardant.Clik Fire
Electrical performance:
CEI EN 50393 • CEI 20-33
(with testing under water head and water between the cable cores)
Class 2 in accordance with CEI 64-8.
No flame propagation:
CEI 20-35 • IEC 60332-1 • HD405-1
(as applicable)
Gel: UL 94-HB
Casing mix: UL 94-V2
Degree of protection: IPX8
Operating temperature: 90°
Installation temperature: -40°C / +50°C
Clik Fire
Electrical performance:
CEI EN 50393 • CEI 20-33 • IP 0033 (A2A)
No flame propagation:
CEI 20-35 • IEC 60332-1 HD405-1
A2A certified (as applicable)
Gel:UL 94-HB
Casing mix: UL 94-V2
Degree of protection: IPX8
Operating temperature: 90°
Installation temperature: -40°C / +50°C