Easy Wood
l kit è composto da: Tappeto scaldante, completo di fili di collegamento e connettori, nastri e pinza per la connessione. Cronotermostato ambiente intelligente a microprocessore RID completo di sonda. Tubo corrugato per il posizionamento della sonda. Nota: prevedere un isolamento termico di almeno 6 mm di spessore (es. foglio di polistirene) sotto il foglio scaldante, ed una barriera contro l’umidità (foglio politene da almeno 0,1 mm) sopra. Per eventuali chiarimenti contattare Raytech.
Heating mat for the intelligent tracing of wood or laminate floors.
Easy Wood is a very thin film (only 0.3 mm) controlled by a digital intelligent timed thermostat with RID microprocessor supplied with the kit. It is advisable not to exceed a temperature of 28°C. Suitable for secondary or comfort heating.The kit is composed of:
Heating mat complete with connection wires and connectors, tapes and grippers for connection. RID microprocessor intelligent room timed thermostat complete with sensor. Corrugated pipe for sensor positioning
Note: provide for thermal insulation of at least 6 mm in thickness (e.g. sheet of polystyrene) under the heating sheet and a barrier against humidity (polythene sheet at least 0.1 mm) above.
Contact Raytech for any clarifications.