Easy Floor
Il kit è composto da:
- Tappeto scaldante, completo di coda fredda.
- Cronotermostato ambiente intelligente RID a microprocessore completo di sonda.
- Tubo corrugato per il posizionamento della sonda.
Nota: I kit tipo -ST sono senza cronotermostato ambiente RID
Heating mat for the intelligent tracing of tile, marble, floors, etc.
The Easy Floor mat is laid directly on a layer of thermal insulation that coats the floor finished with concrete, and then buried in self-levelling concrete and covered with tiles. The flooring tracing mats are supplied in standard widths of 50 cm, power 150 W/m².The kit is composed of:
• Heating mat complete with cold tail
• RID microprocessor intelligent room timed thermostat complete with sensor
• Corrugated pipe for positioning
Note: –ST type kits are supplied without
a RID room timed thermostat